• Profile picture of Penny Paige

    Penny Paige posted an update in the group Group logo of Penny for your ThoughtsPenny for your Thoughts 8 years, 6 months ago

    On Thursday, January 21st I decided to do something nice for someone who is doing kind and generous things for others on a daily basis. I love her dearly but because of work and life and children (I know, I know…no excuses) too much time has passed since I last saw her (a couple of months since I last saw her but a few months since we had some quality time).
    I wasn’t sure if she’d be in her office up by me but I took a chance. I picked up some lunch for her and her sister-in-law (who by the way is also super duper & they work together) and drove on by. Woo-Hoo! They were both there in their beautiful office working. I’m glad they hadn’t eaten lunch yet by the time I arrived; and that they were ready for lunch. They enjoyed their lunch and we caught up on life and all the good stuff in it. Two hours later I had to leave them to their work and I went off to pick up my daughter at school.
    I wonder who she’ll pass it on to next?

    God has truly blessed me with wonderful people in my life.