On the corner of Lexington and 47th
September 18, 2014

Often Amy and I go looking for opportunities to be kind and sometimes kindness finds us. While it wasn’t a major gesture in the moment, the kindness that found us came as a complete surprise.

While walking up Lexington Avenue in New York City on World Kindness Day, looking for opportunities to be kind to others, we paused on the corner of Lexington and 47th to decide which direction was calling us. As we paused, a gentleman turned to us and said “Are you ladies OK? Can I help you?”

Now, you may think that isn’t such a big thing . . . unless you’ve spent any time in the busy, hurried city of New York. For someone to notice we were looking for something AND to offer assistance was borderline miraculous. Wasting no time at all, Amy whipped out a copy of Share This Journal and handed to him. The light changed, and he began to cross the street, reading the cover. He turned with a huge smile, held the book up high and said “Thank you. This is awesome. I believe in helping others.”

What a wonderful intersection of us looking to be kind, it finding us and us being able to reciprocate. And it all happened on the corner of Lexington and 47th.


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